NDTO News Article

eCertificates of Origin Available Through NDTO

The North Dakota Trade Office is excited to announce that eCertificate of Origin processing is now available through our website. This new service will streamline the Certificate of Origin paperwork process to reduce time and costs in obtaining this necessary documentation for export.

In partnership with the American World Tade Chamber of Commerce (AWTCC), an eCertificate of Origin can be provided on average within one hour of documentation submission. The electronic iterations can benefit your company by:

  • Improving turnaround times to meet tight deadlines
  • Reduce errors to alleviate complications at customs
  • Reduce costs for couriers and wait time
  • Real-time information on submission status
  • Customers can verify eCertificates online

Certificates of Origin are used throughout the world in trade transactions and are recognized by nearly every country. The documentation is used to determine the goods’ provenance, legal identification for tariffs and quotas, and identify if the good is legally allowed for import. For a refresher, see an introduction on Certifications of Origin.

The electronic versions improve the overall digital efficiency and security of the exporting package. They eliminate the risk of misplacing or mishandling the documents. The World Trade Organization has even set regulations and approves of the use of eCertificates. The necessary information to complete both the paper and electronic forms are almost identical.

This program has been an exciting step for NDTO to assist more ND companies. “Rural companies in North Dakota will likely benefit the most from this service, saving them staff and travel time to complete the certificate,” says Jiwon Kim, NDTO’s International Business Executive. He goes on to say that “companies who need quick access to Certificate of Origin documents will also find this as a great solution to get everything you need without leaving your desk.” For NDTO member companies, the service is provided for $20 , and outside organizations can utilize the system for $50 per certificate. With this value-added service, NDTO hopes to support more ND companies and reduce time and stress on your company’s exporting team.

Getting started is easy. Follow the step-by-step instructions are available here. With any questions or for more information on Certificate of Origin documentation, reach out to the NDTO team at info@ndto.com.